I took Scott to the airport at 1pm yesterday. Although raining he got off ok, no delays and made his connection out of Dallas. So sad to see him go.
Last night Rick and I were watching some of the early election returns and finally at 8pm I went to bed and read for a while. Scott and I had been texting and he was saying it looks like Trump is going to win but I didn't believe it. Both Rick and I thought he would lose, I just felt the media had been doing all it could to get Hillary elected and with the Demo cheating, didn't see him winning. At 9 or 10 I turned out the light and went to sleep, what would be would be. Rick came to bed at 2:30am; I woke up and said who won? He said you won't believe it: Trump did, Hillary has conceded.
The country has awoken. I think we might have a chance to continue as a great Republic. Notice I don't say a Democracy because that is not what the Founding Fathers and our constitution give us. Thank goodness. A democracy will always descend into pure mayhem. A republic has checks and balances and as long as a good percentage of the people remain honest, it will stand.
As far as I'm concerned and for all the good or help the Republican Party elites and powers do for rank and file Republicans, the Party can just go away. Let something else and better take its place. I think the old liberal (in the best sense of the word) members of the Democrat party probably feel the same. Both party's elites are in the game for themselves: power, money, ego, whatever - not for the good of the country or the people of this nation.
Trump ran as an outsider, a populist, and won as a populist. That is his mandate.
For now I can only say: Yay.
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