Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Keto Salt Lake Conference

The first ever Keto/Low Carb High Fat Conf was last Fri and Sat. Rick and I went to it. Very inspiring, made me even more of a true believer. It was fun having Rick there with me, he is a good husband who agreed to support me.

Lots of speakers of some note in the Keto/Low Carb world. One that I particularly wanted to hear was Ivor Cummings the Chemical Engineer from Ireland. He was out in the lobby just as Rick and I were getting ready to leave for Stella and Macy's theatre performance. I spoke with him for a minute and got my pic taken. Fun.
I have discovered that this WOE (way of eating) is easy if I will just have no sugar and grain carbs. They are too addictive and get me off track too easily.
Here's to my new commitment.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Rained Out

I set my alarm for 5:50am so we could get up and go to the sunrise outdoor Easter service. When we got up it was raining, not sure if they cancelled, moved indoors, or decided to carry on. Rick and I went ahead and got ready, drove there, and it was indoors. It was no longer raining, but when they made the call to go indoors they wouldn't have known it would quit. The Pastor was directing everyone in the church. Rick and I decided to drive up the mountain and watch the sunrise, which was mostly obscured by the cloud. Very pretty. I love nature.

We also drove by the outdoor sunrise service on 9000, also moved indoors but we were later from being up the canyon and watching the sunrise. Still, I think they moved indoors also.

It is nice and fairly warm, not cold as was the case for the past 2 years, due to the cloud cover. The clouds are beautiful, looks like someone took cotton balls and carefully hung them in the sky.

Our family members are coming over at 5pm for the Easter dinner. Hope it's still not raining and nice outside so we can have a small Easter egg hunt with the kids. I have the plastic eggs ready with some candy; if it's cold or raining we'll just do it downstairs.

Saturday, April 20, 2019


...the month is half over and only one post. Since I started this back up my goal is at least one post a week.

Soccer games for the squirrels last Saturday and today. Always fun to attend. Macy scored 2 goals last week, saved a bunch of would-be scores as keeper, and Stella was 1/2 second from scoring. Hattie enjoys running on the field. Rhett loves crawling on the grass and eating it and yelling at Papaw to hold him.

Rick just got back from Mexico City. He is so tired of traveling and nonsense with work.

Tomorrow is Easter; we are hosting a dinner with the Upstills,et al,  Braden and fam, and us, of course. Beautiful weather the last few days. Rick and I are going to the sunrise service I have attended for the last 2 years - supposed to rain. I hope it holds off and we can get in a beautiful service. I love being outdoors, in the garden area, at the foot of the mountain with the sun rising over it, listening to music and hearing the sermon.

Rick has finished the "room of my own" downstairs. Really impressed with his work. The carpet was supposed to laid yesterday but the carpet place ordered the wrong one. Then he was going to lay it at 7 this morning, but his son was sick all night and this is Easter weekend with lots of activities. So Monday morning it is. Yay. I'm looking forward to organizing myself.

Cheryl was staying with Braden and seeing her newest grandchild and the others, and came over and spent a morning with me. So much fun to see her. Wish we could get together more, but we are both busy with kids, gkids, and just life.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Ferris Wheel at Scheels

Paige and Fam were going to Scheels and asked if we wanted to meet. Rhett was too little to ride the Ferris Wheel, but the rest of us had fun. Kincade went looking at stuff, Rick watched Rhett and took pics.
This little cute face cannot be denied.
Nor this one.
Old enough to ride by themselves now.
"Please don't fall out."