Monday, March 31, 2014

Saturday, March 29, 2014

And sympathy towards most

Paige was just telling me that Stella is like her Nano in that she wants to stomp bugs, mostly spiders and ants but will observe and play with rolly pollys, and not like her Papaw who carefully takes spiders out of the house. But she does have a sentimental side.

Paige was driving with the girls and had given them each a Gogurt, but one was a blueberry and since Stella doesn't like blueberry and won't eat them, Macy decided she doesn't either and wouldn't eat the blueberry. Paige told her she was going to have to just throw it away in the trash  (since it had been opened). Macy said ok. Paige told them that the blueberry Gogurt was feeling really bad and sad that no one wanted to eat it; when they got home and she was unloading the car and putting things away, she put the Gogurt in the trash.

A couple of minutes later Paige saw Stella standing at the garbage, looking in quite sadly. Paige asked her what was wrong and Stella said she felt bad for the Gogurt, since no one wanted to eat it.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Flower ggrrls

Squirt sent me this one. They look adorable enough to eat!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Alyona's dad with Rick and Hattie

Just before the wedding on the boat.

Pike Place Market

This is the fish market that is quite famous, throwing fish and whatnot back and forth, calling out what they have for sale (or something like this).

2 little ggrrls as flower grrls

Mt Rainier as seen from the plane

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A few more wedding pics from my phone

Stella and Macy on the boat, a few days before the wedding.
A goose had built a nest on this boardwalk next to the boat. It was in a circle of rope; she gathered up more nesting material to build her home. I was surprised all the activity of people coming and going didn't convince her to find a better spot for her eggs. Maybe this was a spot she used every year - at least all the humans didn't seem to faze her.

Chris and Alyona wedding in Seattle

Rick and I left last Tues, March 18 for Seattle. Our flight was delayed in Austin due to bad weather in Denver. Our flight out of Denver was also delayed so we made the connection and was only a few hours late into Seattle.

We met Scott and Jessica at the rental house, then went shopping for some groceries.
Everyone else started showing up on Wed, with the final person for our group Squirt on Sat morning, and a friend of Alyona's early Sat afternoon. 
We all had a great time and the wedding was wonderful. We met her parents, very nice people, but because they don't speak English and we don't speak Russian, we unfortunately couldn't communicate much.

Stella and Macy were flower girls, and looked so adorable walking down the aisle dropping their paper flower petals (couldn't use real flowers, rice, bird seed, confetti to throw at them, so we had bubbles and attached confetti).

Being on the boat was fun, the food was great, the Bishop had a nice ceremony - we are just so happy to welcome Alyona as our daughter.

Sunday we spent doing ferrying runs to the airport, the first drop off was Squirt (Kristi) at 4 am or so, and the last was 1pm for Jason, Kenny, and Adam.
Rick and I and Scott and Jess were the last to leave at 9am and 11am Tues. It was fun hanging out at the airport with them waiting for our flights.
Chris and Alyona were supposed to leave yesterday after getting packed, they're driving with her parents to South Jordan.

This was taken off the deck of the rental house looking out. The water is an inlet of the Pacific Ocean.
I'm going to have to wait for pics from other people to post, as I really didn't take that many.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hair, hair, everywhere and not a drop to spare

For those uneducated or uncultured, that is a play on Coleridge's poem "Rime of the Ancient Mariner."

Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink

My stylist was getting my hair back to a bob or pageboy, but I wasn't liking it. I like poof on top (that word doesn't seem right, but neither does puff) and the short pageboy I had just wasn't doing it. So she gave me some whispy poof on top and whispiness on the sides and used thinning shears on the sides by my ears and neck where I have thick hair and feel like I'm wearing earmuffs sometimes, and I love it.

So now I actually get to have good hair for the wedding. She also colored it (I used to say dye and then realized no stylist says that, they all say colored, I must speak the proper lingo or jargon) and I really love this color. It seems to put highlights in my hair, but that might just be picking up the gray differently than the ungray.

I have not lost the 20 pounds I wanted to lose ):
But I have lost a few.
I like the dress I will be wearing, and am trying to decide between 2 pairs of shoes, silver ones that go great with the dress, but when will I wear them again? Or nude that I will wear again. The nude don't match as well. I asked Paige if I would look odd, an overweight, ridiculous mama teetering around on my silver sparkly spiked but not too tall very pointed toe heels. She said just because I'm overweight doesn't mean I have to wear white orthopedic Velcro shoes.
Okay then.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Time to make the donuts, time to make the donuts, time to make the donuts...

Whoooo, boy. Time to blog again, if I'm going to blog at least once a week. I don't know how bloggers who blog a lot blog a lot.

For the last month my hair has been driving me crazy. Going bad and doing bad things, again (bad hair!). And this was even after a cut, which usually brings everything right again for a bit.

I got some new product, which is helping. Tomorrow I go back to the hairdresser and if she doesn't address my hair issues and give me a good cut, I have another stylist to try when I get back. When I bought the new product I told the clerk I could open my own salon and sell product, I have so much. She said I do too. This was at the Walmart salon and she was a stylist so even they buy lots and lots, evidently.

Jason and I are going to read a book together and then discuss it once a week. Chris, Scott, and Paige said they would be interested in doing this also if we choose a book they are interested in. Chris wants a non-novel, with a subject in which you learn something, Paige wants a novel, and Scott wants a fantasy/science fiction novel and it must be nonpolitical - probably all of them except Jason wouldn't read a political book. Jason suggested historical fiction. That should suit everybody: historical/learn something - Chris and Jason; fiction - Paige and Scott; and these are usually kinda on the lines of fantasy, make-believe - Scott and Paige.

I personally would prefer biographical, political, knowledge based (learn something) or real life event.
Oh, Jason said, NO true crime.
Hmmmm, those are the best of all.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Woes of a novice election judge

Polls were supposed to be open from 7am to 7pm Tues. I had gone to my 4 hour training on Fri, picked up all my supplies on Sun, met the pastor from the church in which voting would occur and got the key to the building on Mon, met my alternate judge and set up the room - as much as we could. Getting all the electronics ready would be done on Tues at 6am, so as not to compromise the integrity of the machines and votes. On Mon evening around 8 I got an email notice saying that we were supposed to have an ice storm over the night so keep an eye on the weather. I thought they just meant so if the roads are icy you will need to keep travel time in mind.

Rick and I went to bed at 9pm, I needed to get up at 4:30am to be ready to leave by 5:30 and get to our polling place by 6am. Tues morning the roads were not icy but there was ice on the trees and we arrived a few min before 6. We began setting up all the papers and outside signs. No one arrives to help. I have emergency numbers to call and get help, but we wait, and finally at 6:45 I call the Democrat election judge - guess what? Because of the "bad" ice storm polling had been delayed until 11. It was on the news, but I didn't check the news. No, in the email saying there was a "winter advisory," actually meant they might delay voting. Handy info for them to have SAID in the email, that there was a possibility of delaying the election so before you get up at 4:30am and get ready, check the news. Bunch of yellow belly city slickers. I can remember walking in snow a foot deep, 4 inches of ice underneath, no boots, socks on my hands for gloves, winter coat that either the zipper was broken, or had lost all the buttons, and that was uphill both ways, just to get to school. Anyways....

Rick went to work for a few hours, I gathered up all electronics and went home.

Back to our polling place by 10 to set up, this time everyone was there to help. Well, kinda. The democrat judge comes flying in 30 min late and her alternate judge (her sister) was 50 min late. She immediately thought she was in charge, even tho my alternate had been an election judge for 15 years himself before taking a break of 5 years. She was a nice lady tho.

We processed exactly 149 votes, so it was slow most of the time. We did have a fairly steady stream but no big rushes - I'm not complaining.

At 6pm one of the trouble shooting vans came around and told us we needed to hold polls open until 9, and all votes after 7pm must be process as provisional votes, making a lot of paperwork the voter needed to fill out, protocol to be followed, which added a lot of extra paperwork for us.

All the procedures, protocol, etc. was overkill, in my opinion, but any voter in Travis County can be assured that no cheating would be done. At least it would be very hard -  nice to know because I do know cheating occurs every election around the nation. No people or parties mentioned (!).

We began closing the vote at 9pm, actually 8:45, and finished it all up at 9:30. Then the other judge and I had to drive the supplies and electronics over to the RSS in separate vehicles following each other (I love all the acronyms everyone loves to use - not) the Receiving Substation and officially returned everything. This took another 30 min but was so organized it didn't take long. Rick had already returned home and I got back at 11pm.

Will I volunteer to be another judge? Probably. It was fun but a headache during opening polls and closing polls. It's amazing what goes on behind the scenes, in anything, to get an event ready for the clients, consumers, customers, etc. But next time I won't be a novice so it will definitely be easier.