Monday, October 5, 2015


It's my job to take Zoya for a walk every weekday morning. This morning after we got back she started running around the house like a crazy woman, so I went outside with her and threw her fav orange ball. She had great fun running and fetching the ball, altho she likes you to fight to take it away from her when she returns the ball to the thrower.

Finally I got tired of throwing the ball and went back into the house. Soon she was scratching at the door, I opened it and she had placed the ball on the step and was standing there looking at me, asking are we done? I'm not.

I went back out and threw the ball a few more times, but one of the times it went into the pool. She ran to the pool, the ball went in, and she turned to look at me. The expression on her face was so funny, like Now what? I'm not going in after it, you need to get it. So I got the ball out.

I came back in the house and she came in also, but got one of her toys and brought it to me, and kept trying to give it to me. I said I'm busy, I can't play now. She threw the beaver up on the table where I was working on the computer!! It was probably an accident, but the beaver did end up on the table in front of me. I had to laugh.

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