Monday, August 10, 2015

Babysitting for Disney trip

Last evening Kincade Facetimed so we could visit with Stella and Macy. We were talking about the Disney trip and Nano and Papaw babysitting.
Nano told Stella that we could stay up late, eat ice cream, watch movies all night, then get up late in the morning and miss school. Stella got very quiet; I could tell she didn't like that idea and passed the phone off to Macy (Macy had wanted to talk but Stella didn't want to give up the phone until then).

So I talked with Macy and then said the same thing, stay up late, eat ice cream, watch movies, skip school. Macy replied in a happy affirmative about staying up late, eating ice cream, watching movies, going to the gas station for "junk food," but even she couldn't add in the missing of school. She's looking too forward to starting a real preschool.

I made sure I told both of them, Nano is only joking, we won't stay up late, eat ice cream, and miss school.

Two very scholarly grrls. They won't waste college tuition money with frivolity!!

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