Thursday, September 22, 2016

Austin wedding in Phoenix

I left for Phoenix on Sept 8, Thurs, early in the morning. Met Scott, he already had the rental car. We drove to the hotel and checked in (more about this skanky place later), then got some food, then went to Cheryl's. Squirt had gotten there Wed and they were busy cooking. We cooked then went over to the church to set up for the Groom's Luncheon after the wedding on Fri.

Thursday evening was Doug's twins blessing. It was quite nice and the babies are adorable.

Friday was the wedding, the luncheon was wonderful. Scott and I went over to the house while they were at the temple and I finished the triffles while Scott cooked all the tortillas - took him 2 hours with 2 fry pans going. No one thought it would take that long. But I have discovered everything always takes longer than you think.

Four pairs of shoes

My sister should be an event planner - she does a great job and loves to make it extra nice. Squirt and I and Emily went over to Emily's house in between the events. She has a nice home, huge backyard for the animals, garden, etc.

As Squirt and I were helping Cheryl decide what to wear to the reception (between only about 30 tops, jewelry, 4 pairs of shoes, did I say she is an over doer?), Scott called. It seems a drug deal was going down directly below us, complete with SWAT, police, ambulances - enough noise and lights to wake the dead. He was apprehensive about coming out of the room just then, supposed to bringing me over some clothes. Waited 15 min and then exited, hoping not to be thrown down on the sidewalk himself. I choose only the best in hotels. So sorry no pics of Scott with the tortillas or at the hotel while the drug bust was going down.

Thirty plus tops, jewelry
The reception that evening, very nice also (altho Cheryl's food was way better!!&^). Too many mosquitoes, but they had been spraying all day to kill them. I guess some are just extra hungry.

Sat morning we got up and played pickle ball, then went kayaking.
I love to play pickle ball and need to find a place here in Austin that I can.

Kayaking was so much fun down the river, with just enough white water every now and again to make it a little interesting. More fun than out on the lake. It was so pretty, with the trees, bushes, saguaro cactus. Cheryl said, many times there are wild horses out in the water, about 15 min later around a bend and low spot for easy horse access to water, 8-9 horses came rushing out it, stopped to get water and wade (I guess). They were beautiful and I'm so glad I got to see them.

Scott and I went back to the hotel, we needed to be out by 1, showered and packed up, took the rental to the airport and caught our plane.

It was a fun trip, so glad I went.

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