Several people who read the last blog commented on those loverly teeth. I looked and looked to find those. Funny, huh? Huh? Yeah, funny.
Started the Splint Therapy on Thurs. By Thurs evening, my ears were ringing like crazy, I was dizzy, and was starting to get a headache. I wore the splint until Fri mornig and then took it out. It must be moving my jaw (or at least holding it in place) and my ears didn't like it. Turns out my ears don't like much.
Sat morning I put the splint back in, determined to give it a good try. Meanwhile, I'm getting dizzier, the headaches are coming back, the ringing is settling a little, but not as low as it was before. So I wore the splint off and on, first saying I wasn't going to do it, my main complaint had always been the ringing ears, then saying I would do it and fix my jaws and perhaps it would help. Yes, the docs were more concerned about the effect of my misplaced jaw on the joints and discs, but the ringing was what was driving me insane (if I hadn't been that way already).
I decided to still go to my appointment on Wed and talk with the occlusion specialist about this new development, and ask for another 2 weeks before I make my decision.
I got up this morning, dizzy was high, ears ringing medium, but slight to no headache. And now, at 5pm, the ringing is back to low, dizzy is low (but it had been gone) and no headache - well maybe a little on the top of my head.
Now I'm thinking maybe I can do the therapy, but I'm still going to ask him if I can wait 2 weeks before I make my decision. He has emphasized that once I start I must continue, there is no going back. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it - unless I change it.
So if you all thought you wouldn't get to hear anymore about my ears, you're wrong. The saga continues. Everyone gets to share in the pain.
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