Monday, June 25, 2012

Kennebunk, Maine and sailboat

The first time we went to Maine to visit Chris, back in Oct, Rick saw a little sailboat that was being built by the students at The Landing School (Chris' school). He made arrangements to buy it when it was finished in the spring for $10,000. And then as time wore on he changed his mind and cancelled the sale.

Chris graduated on June 14, and on Fri June 15 he was at the school and noticed a little sailboat in the yard, just like the one we were going to buy, with a For Sale sign and a price of $4,000. He called Rick and me and asked if we wanted it, saying it looked brand new. We said yes, so Chris talked to the president of the school, discovered that some rich millionaire had traded in his yacht for a bigger yacht, had bought this little sailboat from the school several years ago to use as his tender and now wanted a bigger tender to go with his bigger yacht and donated the little sailboat back to the school. Chris offered $3500 for the little sailboat, and the offer was accepted. Then he saw a trailer in the yard and said, "Throw in that trailer and we'll make it $4000." Done and done.

Now, how to get the boat to Philly. Chris and Scott already were pulling a Uhaul; they tried to rent a car that would pull it for Scott to drive down, but no rental place will rent something with a trailer hitch. Rick and I decided to drive to Maine on Fri June 22 and get it, and have a nice little trip.

It was fun to drive back up to Maine, it really is a beautiful state - actually the entire drive up there, thro New York state, Connecticut, Mass, New Hampshire, and finally Maine, is quite pretty. And I'm thinking that was our last time to drive up there.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Boo Hoo Hoo

Scott flew out to Maine on Sat to help Chris pack up and drive across country to Utah. They left Sun morning and arrived here at 5:30. Rick took yesterday off from work; we packed up the Uhaul trailer with the scooter, electronic piano, tub of Paige stuff, all of which she wants and has been wanting for a bit, like years, actually.

We then we did some activities with the boys - eating lunch at the Full Belly Deli (our fav philly cheesesteak place), looking at cars and electronics (I guess if you're a guy you can't look at too many cars and electronics), hitting balls at the golfing range, and finally, just loafing around the house. I ordered pizza from a place we've never tried before (but then we haven't tried too many places, and the one we actually liked went out of business); I ordered from them because they have pesto to use as the base if you so desire, and that just happens to be my fav base, but I also ordered one with tomato sauce. Pizza was good, I'll have to remember this joint (little Guy Fieri there).

I was under orders from Jason to not let them stay up late because he wanted them out the door by 7 a.m. so they could get into Indy at a goodly time to maybe do something. But it is an 11 to 12 hour drive. They're going to stay with him until Thurs (or was it Fri?), then on to Denver and perhaps stay with the cousins.

After a prayer and hug they left, and the time not toooo late at 8 a.m. I was like Stella, standing on the driveway to watch them leave (altho she stands at the window or door to watch people leave).

Hence the title of this post: Boo Hoo Hoo. Or maybe it should be Wah Wah Wah.

But Rick and I will be in Utah in 1 1/2 weeks.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mitt Romney

Rick and I had quite a busy day yesterday, so I didn't get a lot of time to check my email. I checked it in the morning, and didn't get another opportunity until 5:30. I had an email from the Tea Party, saying that Mitt Romney was going to be in Quakertown (20-25 min from our house) at noon, and everyone who could go, get over there. He said he knew it was short notice, but just discovered it himself. I checked the time on the email 11:42 am.

If I had know he was going to be in Quakertown at noon, I would have cancelled everything and gone there to be part of the crowd, and show support. So close!! I was extremely disappointed.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flag Day

One of the Tea Party groups that I'm a member of, the one in Harleysville, had a Flag Day ceremony which started at 6:45 pm. My sister Cheryl and I wrote up our own bucket lists for this summer, and on my bucket list I decided that I wanted to attend a Tea Party event every month. I asked Rick if he wanted to go,  he did, so after he got home and did a few things, we jumped in the jeep (little alliteration there) and off we went.

It was outside, which I liked. Something about outdoor events... I just enjoy the great outdoors (waxing poetic). We arrived just as a singer was beginning "The Star-Spangled Banner." I love that song, and love hearing it - unfortunately no one can sing it and this woman was no better and a little worse. She had waaaaay too much vibrato, but could hit all the high notes (and hit them she did!).

We then said the Pledge of Allegiance, two women read patriotic poems, and the man who runs this Tea Party had a few pertinent things to say, asked some historical and flag related questions of the audience and threw prizes to whoever answered them correctly.

The main speaker, a local boy who was a state, not federal, senator gave an interesting talk on George Washington and the Revolutionary War and then it was over, the whole thing taking one hour, which was perfect.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cute Hair

Anyone who knows me knows that my hair has been my nightmare almost my entire life. After Jason was born I got a really cute short cut that I liked a lot. But I have not liked my hair much since then - and he is 33. In Indiana I finally found a stylist that I liked most of the time, but certainly didn't love her work on my head. In North Carolina I never did find anyone I liked, and I went to a bunch, stayed with one a long time until finally I had to find someone else because I disliked her cuts and styles so much.

My sister, Kristi, hooked me up with her hairdresser in Utah, Kirby, and I love him, but Utah is a little far away to be my fulltime hairdresser.

I moved to Philly, asked around, and got a stylist that I like as much as Kirby. Kirby did my hair in April, so it was time to go again. I just got back from Sue (the one here); she colored, cut, and styled it and I love it (as usual)!! It was 6:30 when I left and I said it was too bad that I didn't have anywhere worthy to go, just home and then to bed tonight. She said, "Go to the grocery store and flip your hair around," as she modeled what to do.

No one who hasn't gone thro my hair life can ever understand the trauma it has been. And how incredibly wonderful it is to have a stylist who can give me cute hair.