Mon was our Ward's Memorial Day Picnic. The Relief Society was in charge, but we asked all of the organizations to bring something different, whether it was desserts, chips, or, in case of everyone else, a dish to share. The High Priests, of which Rick is the group leader, were in charge of getting grills there, and then grilling, along with bringing all the condiments necessary, such as lettuce, tomatoes, pickles. Rick was trying to decide how to get our grill over there, since we don't have a pickup or trailer. He ended up buying a trailer hitch rack to transport the bbq grill. He spent 45 min attaching it on Mon morning, and then off we went to the picnic. At the picnic, the other man with his grill didn't bring a flipper, so Rick cooked all the hamburgers and hotdogs - 2 hours of standing over the smokey grills. Actually, he did get several men who came over and offered to relieve him, which was quite nice.
Chris went over early to play in the softball game, which is a big ward tradition. He sure does work and play well with others, making many new friends!!#%???&&##
Unfortunately the cute girl he met at the picnic is waaaaaay too young.
The picnic was a great success, but then this is one of the ward's traditions that people love and old ward members return to attend.
Where is the pic for that??? Ricko towing a BBQ grill...