Thursday, March 24, 2016

Pressure cooking

Last week Rick and I met friends for dinner. Steve and his wife Boni were delightful people, around our age, and from Delaware, close to where we lived in Philly (or at least they knew that Doylestown, Lansdale, Montgomeryville area). Steve worked for Rick at Novartis, and now works for Hospira (Pfizer). Anyways, they are both foodies and as we were talking about food and recipes they were raving about their Instant Pot, a pressure cooker. Naturally, Rick and I decided we needed one.

My mom cooked with a pressure cooker as I was growing up, but frankly the old stove top type with the jiggle pressure valve scared me. It blew up once when she was using it, food all over the place, quite loud. Evidently the new ones are electric, electronic user guide, foolproof (!!), so I looked on Amazon, read reviews, and decided to get the exact one they use. It arrived and Chris and I made plans for me to go over to their house (Rick is in North Carolina for a few days) and we fixed lasagna last night.

It was really quite fun, an adventure, and the lasagna turned out really well. At least Chris and I thought it was delish, Alyona tasted an earthy flavor she didn't like. I think that was simply because it had gotten a little scorched.

It's another kitchen gadget and I'm not a kitchen gadget person, but this might turn out to be really fun to use. At least I will make the lasagna again.
It has been wonderful having them here in Austin, to be able to do things like this. Plus I stayed and we watched a cheesy Western Hallmark movie. Just love cheesy Hallmark movies.


  1. I'd simply get the thing so Chris can cook often and it cooks so fast I won't even get hungry ;)

  2. I'd simply get the thing so Chris can cook often and it cooks so fast I won't even get hungry ;)
