...even tho I can't think of anything to blog about.
Well here's something:
I got a recommendation from Patsy, Rick's AA, for an eye doc, went there today for an exam. He was a squirrely guy about my age. Odd comments, singing low, tapping a rhythm with fingers, humming while he was looking at computer about my eyes. Didn't answer my questions, instead directed it back to me to answer. Office staff was quite nice.
With dentist Slysh in Pa, I actively didn't like his staff, rude little 20 somethings, not polite, attitude of the northeast coast, but I did like him. I should have changed, but he was recommended also.
And the resulting disaster happened.
In Indiana, the kids' pediatrician was just ok, didn't like or dislike, but I was always going to change to someone better because of a few mistakes he made. I didn't since the kids really only saw him for school physicals (mistakes: Paige's pink eye, when he didn't tell us to throw out the infected contacts and get new ones so the pink eye kept getting reinfected ((actually I should have figured that one out)), and Chris' shoulder blade, hurt when he was in the 6th grade and 4wheeling with Rende and start to tumble over a ravine, both of then grabbed a bush to save themselves, then got in poison ivy, but anyway the doc x-rayed the wrong one or something or other, and something with Scott about the preliminaries for another finger skin graft that he missed). I should have found someone better but I didn't. But they did all live so all's well that ends well.
In NC I kept looking for a good dentist and didn't find one.
So, what I'm asking myself is: should I find another eye doc or stay with this one? I'm leaning towards getting someone else, asking for more recommendations.
As I have learned with my teeth, jaws, it is essential to have the best doc. Really, really like Dr Peppard.
Don't like Dr King, Internist. I need to move on for my physical this year.
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