Monday, February 24, 2014

Election March 4

Texas' Primary Election will be March 4. Soon after I moved to Texas I signed up to be a member of the Travis County Republican Party and started receiving invitations to their weekly party events and action alerts. Early last week I got an email notice saying they really needed election judges and please respond affirmatively. I thought, oh, well I'm new here, never done that before, don't need to start now. Then on Fri I received an email, they really, really need election judges so I called and said I would do it, altho I didn't have a clue what an election judge did.

This morning I got a phone call, the man from the Republican headquarters in Austin said thanks for volunteering, here's what we need. I listened and agreed with all I would need to do, go to 4 hours training, and then I would be the main person at a particular precinct that would ask do you live in Travis county, your party, name, check them in and direct them to the voting machine. Oh, and I need to know stuff in case someone has a question I need to be familiar with the manual to answer correctly, but if I don't know, I'll have a number to call to get an answer. Ok, I'm a little nervous and said I would rather be an alternate judge and he said, yeah, but we aren't getting enough people for you to do that. OK. I get all the info from him I need and he says someone from the office of voters or something would call.

Next I get a call from the director of voters or something or other. He starts giving me more info, I need to go early and pick up some stuff, get everything ready at the precinct, take stuff back to somebody, and oh, also I need to hire my own clerk. Ahhhh. Each party will have there a judge, alternate judge, and a clerk. So I spent some time on the phone trying to get someone to be my clerk. Part of the problem is most of my ward is in Williamson County, and I live in Travis County and the people I know, outside of my neighbors, are church members.

Everyone has their reason (excuse) why they can't help. I wish I had had an excuse for not helping.
I'm quite nervous, but I'm sure it will turn out ok. I hope.


  1. And if someone tries to complain about how you're not doing something right, you can tell them they are welcome to take over your position. (This is Paige.)

  2. Seems like a lot of work. See, I believe in Universe. You've been so passionate about politics that you got to be a part of it. Go, Yvonne!
