Thursday, March 22, 2012

A beautiful walk

Since my walking group meets every Thurs at 10 am, and since today is Thurs, last night when I went to bed I planned on walking with the group today. As a side note, yesterday I had gotten up at 4:45 am to get ready for going to the temple with Ernie, her first time, and was to be her escort. It was a completely delightful day, didn't run into any traffic to mention. The drive to DC took 3 1/2 hours and the drive home just over 3 hours, not at all what I expected or was led to expect, so I got home at 6:30 but was completely exhausted.

All this meant that when I got up this morning at 6:30 I was still tired and didn't feel like driving to Perkasie to walk (on a quite nice walking trail with a creek close to a member's house). Plus it was grey (on another side note I see that I spelled grey with an e and not an a, the e being the Bristish way and the a being the American usage) and looked misty and rainy and I thought not good walking, even tho the weather report all week was showing sunny and 80. I poked my head out the door, after noticing people out golfing - no rain, temp felt nice, just hazy and misty. So I decided to go, especially since I'm nominally the one who organizes the group.

We met at Sarah's house (with her 3 small and delightful sons), Brittany, Bruce, and baby Eliza showed up and away we went. The 2 younger than me women keep us clipping on at a nice pace, 3 mph or 20 min miles for 1 1/2 hours, and so we walked this beautiful path along a creek with all the spring flowers blossoming - outside walking, beautiful weather, seeing and listening to birds chirp - one of my fav things to do. If this is waxing poetic, that's how I feel.

1 comment:

  1. All of this walking sounds nice. The locations sound even nicer!! You go girl!
