Friday, June 14, 2013


I have gone to the acupuncturist 4 visits, today will make 5. She thought she would need to see me 6-8 times. The ringing and dizziness have maybe gone down a little. She also said it probably wouldn't be gone completely, but just be very low. I can live with that.

This woman is white and is about my age. When she was trying to decide what to school herself in she was leaning towards med school. Then some tennis player, a famous one, can't remember who, talked about acupuncture he had on his arm and elbow, and it completely helped. She was fascinated and decided to do that. Went to Japan to a school there, was going to go to Australia to practice and then something was going on political wise there at the time, so she changed her mind and came to Austin. She was some place on vacation, maybe Hawaii, and met a couple from Austin who were so completely nice she decided Austin must be a great place. As you can see I have a great memory and wrote all the exact details of what she told me and I read about her.

She does the Japanese style, which I had wanted but didn't know she did until the first treatment. She puts in about 12 needles (I haven't counted them), these needles are long, wobbly, about the size of a hair. They are discarded after each use. I lay there between 35-40 min. They don't hurt, just like a mosquito bite. I have them mostly around my ears, cheeks and forehead, a few on my wrists and hands, and a few on my ankles.

Each thing I do, except the chiro, didn't like that at all, has been comforting and helpful.

The body is an amazing machine. When it is is functioning fine, all is well - but when it's not, well, then it's not.

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