Friday, October 12, 2012

Rain and hail

I love storms. Indiana and Illinois had some of the best storms of any place I have lived. They are not in Tornado Alley, but close enough so that we had tornado warnings and watches all the time during the season. One time Rick and a group of church kids got chased by a tornado on the way back from a YM/YW waterski trip to Raccoon Lake. And I love lightning. Absolutely awesome.

I don't want to be out in a storm (actually, I would, if you could guarantee my safety), but I do like to be in a nice safe location while the storm rages around me. I like to snuggle in bed and hear it; I like to get up and look out the window at it; I like to stand in doorways and see, smell, and feel it.

And last night we got a bunch of rain and a little wind, just enough so that I could feel like the storm was raging around me. This morning at 8 it started raining, hard, then it changed to hail. The hail beat and pounded the house, roofs, roads, and anything else it wanted to pound - hail the size of marbles. Of course, I had to take a pic, and of course, the pic shows nothing like what it was.


  1. It's storming in Utah at this very moment, to my great pleasure. Like mother, like daughter....

  2. I love storms too! I love to walk out in hailstorms.
