I have been so busy in Sept and Oct, spending a lot of time in Utah with the house and have not been bringing my computer, making it difficult to blog.
Stella won the spelling bee for her 4th grade class so she got to move on to the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade final spelling bee. It was last Fri at 1pm. I was going, of course, and left the townhouse around 11:30 or 12. I was traveling west on South Jordan Parkway, the light to go over and turn onto Mt View was red so I stopped. The light turned green and I entered the intersection. Wham, whap, a car hit me and knocked me thro the intersection. I managed to pull to the side of the road and sat there, crying and in shock.
Finally, I looked over and I saw the car that hit me, pulled or traveled over on into the grasses, and the driver getting out. He was outside the car talking on his phone. I noticed a couple of teenagers, a boy and a girl, across the road on the phone also. I asked if they were calling the police, they said yes. I was crying and in shock. Soon the teenagers walked over to me and asked if I was ok. Yes. Still crying. They each gave me several hugs.
Another man stopped and was very helpful, also called emergency and soon Firemen and EMTs showed up, ascertained I was moving and didn't need an ambulance. Then a policeman. Meanwhile the concerned citizen was so concern. Very comforting. I'm still crying, in shock. The medical people took my vital signs and asked if I wanted to go to the hospital. No. I wish I had gotten his name so I could call and thank him. I did tell him thanks several times. He left after all the professionals arrived.
I had hit my head and it hurt. My jaw hurt (just what I needed, to injure my jaw!!)
Finally I let Paige know I wasn't going to make it. Called Rick or texted him. Confusing time.
The policeman gave me a ride back to the townhouse about 1pm. I was so shaken up I didn't want to stay there and drove Scott's Escape to his work. I was anxious and jumpy at every car on the road. He insisted I take his car because it's automatic. Drove to Paige's. I realized m.y back and neck were hurting. I didn't stay long, went home. Scott and Treena were so concerned.
That night my back hurt more. I was flying to Austin, needed to get home for my 2 doc appointments. My arms started hurting, my hands started tingling, and this has only gotten worse. My neck and back hurt. I see my internist today. Both Dr. Shrader and Peppard advised me that this could very well and probably did hurt my jaw, both advised me to seek medical care. Dr. Peppard said I could have nerve damage on my spinal cord. Yay. Just what I need.
I do feel very grateful that I wasn't killed or badly injured. If he had hit my driver's door and pushed me thro to the passenger side, I might not have walked away. I might be in the hospital or the mortuary right now.